E L Ix11 ∆V - [EDTS] : MillionMask March


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MillionMask March

EthosDel Stance- Be Careful going into the streets to protest or picket its a breeding ground for agitation and aggression... I choose to work quietly in doors blogging. I am inspiring you to do the same without fear. The revolution is to be an Artistic one. The World is Our Canvas "Life is an Art" Blog About It! Check out the BLOGUPY MOVEMENT we promote Online Networking, Home Business, Giving Back 10% Online Generated Income to those in need, and Investing in a more sustainable world via Micro actions we all can be doing to make the world a better place.

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Life on Fire - By EL911AV *SUP!

Music / Video / Art by JSUMNER (ELIx11AV) Sandalphon Productions