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The Law of Time
The times we are living in require higher thinking. There has never in the history of the Earth been a time like this. We are now participating in what is called the biosphere-noosphere transition: When life on Earth (the biosphere) evolves into an awakened planetary mind (noosphere).
Only by lifting our minds to planetary consciousness and beyond can we realize solutions to the multiple challenges facing our planet today. With a new consciousness we can effectively educate and mobilize humanity to an unprecedented level of creative problem solving, and realize a positive future.
At present, humanity is living in an artificial experience of time that is governed by the irregular 12-month Gregorian calendar and the mechanical 60-minute clock.
Living according to this irregular measure of TIME translates into devastating effects on SPACE: our physical world.
A profound misconception that results from this distorted linear view of TIME is the belief that the third dimension is the only dimension. This perception results in people thinking that physical reality is the only reality.
By changing our relationship with time, we change our perception of ourselves and the world. READMORE