E L Ix11 ∆V - [EDTS] : IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyseey - Animated Short Film


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IN-SHADOW - A Modern Odyseey - Animated Short Film

   There is a lot of information online that expresses the nature of our world that this artist connects too, and he does some amazing work in expressing it in this Modern Odyssey.

Art Directed & Edited by Lubomir Arsov:  This film expresses the artists inner feelings based on external awarenesses of many facets of our world, as in reality all is an art... he really delves into the reality of the shadow side of things, the reality we are naturally herded into at birth and experience the iceburgs of depending on ones position and upbrining. My question beyond bringing to light that which was in the dark is this, how do we change? Are we able to change for better? I believe we can, I feel so does Lubomir Arsov! Make sure to watch this film to the very end to see his full expression with this!! Watch The Short Film Below!

   I personally have seen/felt/experienced many layers of this film in my personal life and realize that the old world is dying... Yet to what is the big question?... my only answer for this is the most simple answer I have... to what we make it as brothers and sisters of our One World with One Love.

     I feel like my wife and I as well as our son is the representation of how this film ends, perhaps you know what I mean and feel the same? I have been steadfast in building something better from the ashes of the world that he is expressing here. These awarenesses shared has been a huge part of the feeling for the creation of this blog, communities and more.  What he is able to naturally express here in the film represents the people of the ever becoming archaic world that are not able to sustain life long term for the many vs the few. He also leaves it open as there is new equations involved to our reality dependent on what we make of it...  self sufficiency as well sustainability is becoming a key focus in many lives around the world, and is beginning to shape perceptions to what could be possible. We now do have technology being integrated into our daily lives, and what we choose to do with the tech is vital in our choice to either ignore global issues or step up and raise one another up to better our environments one person at a time. Im here to connect with you as an individual, as a blogger, as a networker, as an artist to invest in better, somehow, someway with the belief we can do much better than what has been. Even if its in small spurts of inspirational sharing as I am doing now.

    I once was told by a wise man  the truth about Darkness, this is what he said to me. . . "The Darkness "Thinks" it knows how to sustain life." Yet with the methods of our consumption habits, the hierarchies we naturally accept without second thought, we naturally propel the violence inherit in the system vs overcoming it together in unity. Therefore, my goal as a human, as a man, is to bring balance in transition for co-creating thrive realities... yet first I must do my best to get a point across, to share a view that is not normally seen, the shadow side of things... a point that I am not able to do alone. For this reason, I am so grateful for artist like Lubomir to express with this shortfilm, so that I am in turn able to embed the content to this blog, share, and express here and now.

   Beyond the artwork, the Music in this film is fantastic and inspirational for me as I like to dabble in music production myself and would love to compose for short films one day....
Check out the Music Composers of IN-Shadow@ https://www.starwardprojections.com/

I am going to leave this blog post with this... For those of you who see, feel, and hear the cry for better... Stay Strong, as we are just beginning to band together as humanity for better, it is only a matter of magnetism, the balance of our transition in peace, in love, and in awareness to make moves to better our realities one soul at a time. Much love an appreciation to all of you BraveHearts out there, Respect - JSumner

'IN-SHADOW' is an entirely independently funded, not-for-profit film. If you'd like to support the artist, DONATE here: (click 'donate' tab) https://www.inshadow.net/

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