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Walking on Water EthosDel/DtreeB
I personally have had many interests in life. I have taken time to get to know many different people their cultures, beliefs, perspectives. I have found as individuals their are more people who are tolerant and accepting than there are of people closed minded and stuck in their ways. The times are a changing!
Now I know I am not able to know it all, but I can do my best to share in what I can when I can with this blog and within my Community Network & and I truly believe with Love, Compassion, Humility and Faith- We are able to move mountains. "Be the Change You Wish To See In the World" Now is the Time!
Life has been quite intense for me up to this point in time, I have had wonderful moments with all types of people, with all kinds of various beliefs / perspectives / labels. For this reason I would like to extend an invitation to connect in such a manner online... In doing such we can focus on our individual lives, our families lives in a more wholehearted way. Most importantly to do what I believe we all wish to do... To be able to live alongside one another, in nature, within this world in appreciation of the light we have been given at this time of reality, to well make it better for others and in turn our individual selves.
Jonathan Wade Sumner (Ethos Del) 2013