E L Ix11 ∆V - [EDTS] : Rodney Mullen: Pop an ollie and innovate! (TED Talk)


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Rodney Mullen: Pop an ollie and innovate! (TED Talk)

Skateboarding is about community its with a lot of skate or die mentalities. It gets gruesome, mad respect, this imo should carry on into every day experience along side everyone. To be apart you simply had to have a board, hardware, trucks, bearings and wheels. Networking is really the same mentality no different, to take part you simply need a network, a place to stand.
Life is for myself I dream to become more community oriented, re-defining and improving upon what is.
For me my focus has shifted over the years to set up my presence online in a manner that allows myself and others to take care of life on the planet as well our natural habitats as it is needed. In improving upon our micro realities of what is, towards more economical, durable, sustainable paths, for our sake and children's children type deal, we can make a huge difference. Now is the best time to use technology and invest in those who wish to enhance it, make it stronger, for the many vs few, and educate one another one what we are doing here and now. Death is part of Life, our issues involve the moment not the past or future in this case.

So in my mind the most powerful thing anyone can dedicate their life to would be to align themselves in a community that had the world and healing in mind. This is the Agenda of Ethos Del Terra Sol - Guild Aka Ethos Del Terra "The Spirit of the Era of the Earth"
All are welcome, however you will be invited to grow in a manner that is unique to yourself and the presence you wish to portray as an Avatar. This is considered Avatar Blogging, Ethos Del Terra Sol is an Avatar RL Gaming Guild. We are here to deal with issues at hand, we promote rainbow warriors. Join Up to Greenpeace as you make money... we are taking this sukka on... I am here to take care of some business. ~Ethosdel posted: Fri, 13th, 2013

Now I have set myself up online in a manner to be able to blog, share, connect, yet in turn take part in a movement that gives back to those in need. 10% of online generated income, I feel real about being involved with online networking if I have a way to do this along side others. A backbone to investing in a smarter, more creative planet that the many vs the few can enjoy.

It all starts with you! To learn more about making money online on a path towards becoming a powerful investor to our futures: check out @ (BlogUpy)"Life is an Art" I write a lot sometimes, sorry for the complexity... in very simplest of forms (Avatar Blog):Fundraiser: FB FanPage : AvatarBlogUpy Blog: Google Plus Community: Yuku Forum: Connect SM you are currently using. Then we get others to duplicate, work together for co-existing with the planet with mad respect to nature, environments, as well constructing / living in more harmonious ways in balance with machines, ourselves and with nature. Our creativity individually and shared is our income.... our investment is our world.

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