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Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Networking. Show all posts
Shamans journey(Art/experimental movie)
He wants me to write this blog post... I want him to blog with intent to leverage and give back to others doing the same... Ill write the blog post... maybe something will come out of it. . . I mean how cool would it be for the Wandering Shaman Philanthropist to actually have the funds to do great works... With smart phones.. the documenting / Art would be everywhere by us for us... 10x better than TV if you ask me. . . The WWW is the clouds... we choose the limits! <3
STAR WARS 8 The Last Jedi Trailer 2 (Extended) 2017
Really excited for the new Star Wars 8 film WOoOT! "I only know one truth, it is time for the Jedi to End"
- Luke Skywalker December 25, 2017 is the release date! I am curious if this film will introduce the balanced version of the force as the Grey Jedi, or as Revanite... or perhaps as something else entirely different than anything we have ever known as part of the Star Wars world?! What do you think, feel free to comment below to spark up a conversation up with me about it. Do you plan on going opening night and did you enjoy Episode 7 as the first film directed and produced by Disney?
- Luke Skywalker December 25, 2017 is the release date! I am curious if this film will introduce the balanced version of the force as the Grey Jedi, or as Revanite... or perhaps as something else entirely different than anything we have ever known as part of the Star Wars world?! What do you think, feel free to comment below to spark up a conversation up with me about it. Do you plan on going opening night and did you enjoy Episode 7 as the first film directed and produced by Disney?
Before the Flood - National Geographic
District B13 & District: Ultimatum- A JSumner (CombOver) Promo
Ok, I just saw District B13 and D13: Ultimatum film on Netflix for the first time... currently available as a Watch it Now Streaming...
I wanted to throw in a shoutout to one of my Cousins who is into Parkour!!!
I believe he also teaches lessons for those who wish to learn in his area.
Sadly, I had to watch it alone because my wife actually has seen, both District B13 and District 13: Ultimatum multiple times as she owns both DVD's back at her mums house in North Cackalacky ^_^
She's so Cool!!! ^_^
She's so Cool!!! ^_^
This Movie has much Hardcore Parkour!!!
Watch the chase Scene Below
The whole concept of both these movies were great, with a strong social commentary concerning the current state of our environments, politics, and social affairs.
Blogging is my Artist stance concerning bettering our local environments.
Blogging is my Artist stance concerning bettering our local environments.
It might be a bit "off the wall" to reality, no pun intended... either way it does give room to think about "What if's" I definitely recommend both of these films if ya haven't seen them yet.
Mad props to the actors and free runners...
so much skill, dedication, and focus is involved in this type of art.
Parkour is one of the Sickest FreeForm moving Arts ... Again Much Respect!!
I wanted to throw in a shoutout to one of my Cousins who is into Parkour!!!
I believe he also teaches lessons for those who wish to learn in his area.
Justin "Bull" D'Avila- Parkour -Quad Kong
- Watch the 2011 Showreel (D'Avila Bull)-
I believe he is in the works of getting some type of gig with Marvel Comics (Stuntman?!)
I believe he is in the works of getting some type of gig with Marvel Comics (Stuntman?!)
It would be rad, I pray all works out, I saw a video of him a few months back performing in front of the Green Ranger, (Original PowerRangers) at a convention a few months back which was totally awesome!
Thrive to better our world starting with local community and family!
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