E L Ix11 ∆V - [EDTS] : Star Wars episode 8


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Showing posts with label Star Wars episode 8. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Star Wars episode 8. Show all posts

STAR WARS 8 The Last Jedi Trailer 2 (Extended) 2017

Really excited for the new Star Wars 8 film WOoOT! "I only know one truth, it is time for the Jedi to End"
- Luke Skywalker December 25, 2017 is the release date! I am curious if this film will introduce the balanced version of the force as the Grey Jedi, or as Revanite... or perhaps as something else entirely different than anything we have ever known as part of the Star Wars world?! What do you think, feel free to comment below to spark up a conversation up with me about it. Do you plan on going opening night and did you enjoy Episode 7 as the first film directed and produced by Disney?

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Life on Fire - By EL911AV *SUP!

Music / Video / Art by JSUMNER (ELIx11AV) Sandalphon Productions